All NEATTA organized, sponsored, or promoted events are in Bold. Events with an Asterisk * indicates that the event is a NEATTA\EDGE insured event.
All other events listed are organized\sponsored by other organizations.
- *April 26th (Saturday) – EDGE & TA Youth Driver Safety Certificate Testing- 10 am at Silverbrook Farm Address: 934 Main St, Acushnet, MA 02743 . Attendees ages 12-16 should bring your own tractor for this drivers ed "driver's license type" test. This is necessary for youth ages 12-16 to operate equipment at NEATTA and other national Edge-TA events. Please RSVP by April 19, 2025 by contacting Bob Phillips so that we may have a list of participants. If the above date is inconvenient, please contact Bob Phillips to make further arrangements. Contact Bob Phillips with any questions @ 508-245-9661 or More info on the EDGETA Youth Driver Safety Program can be found here:
- *May 3rd Bristol Aggie Spring Expo 135 Center St. Dighton Ma. Events | Bristol County Agricultural High School setup at 9am, Expo starts at 10am. Contact Gerry Baker for more info.
- *May 4th, Plow, Harrow, or Show Day at Sauchuk's 200 Center Street, Plympton MA. 02367 Start time 9:00 AM, Rain Date May 10th. Food for participants. Must be a NEATTA member to participate. Contact Steve Dors 774-766-8542 in you plan on attending.
- May 18th (Sunday) 17th annual Hillside Tractor Ride 97 Fairgrounds Rd, Cummington, MA 01026-9701, United States
- *May 24th. Raynham Memorial Day Parade 10:00am. start.Parking for trucks and trailers at the LaLiberte Elementary Schools at 777 Pleasant Street Raynham Parade starts there at 10:00 am. Be setup by 9:00 am Contact Steve Dors for more info.
- May 24th Seekonk Memorial Day Parade – 10 am start from Seekonk High School. 261 Arcade Ave, Seekonk, MA 02771 Trailers are dropped at the water dept parking lot next to the middle school. 54 Water Lane Seekonk, MA 02771
- *May 26th Rehoboth Memorial Day Parade – 9 am meet up at the old Anawan School -53 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA. rain or shine! The parade steps off around 10:15 am. Contact Bev and Gerry Baker for more info.
- May 26th Plympton Memorial Day Parade. 11am parade start
- * May 31st (Saturday) Angers Conway Farm Tractor and Truck Show 11am-6pm tractor pulling, agricultural\craft vendors, live music, kids' activities, food and drink trucks, and so much more! 33 Southworth St Lakeville, MA 02347 **NEATTA members: bring your NEATTA membership card to receive free admission.
- *June 7th (Saturday) Foxborough Founders Day Parade and field activities. 9am unload at Church of Emmanuel parking lot 106 Central St, Foxborough, MA 02035 9:15 drive to parade assembly spot for 10am kickoff. Parade ends at Booth field- NEATTA has an assembly\display area on the edge of the field. **Note: This is a very large and busy parade and the police close the road at 9:45 sharp.
- ??? TBD June 28th 48th Yankee Engin-uity tractor and engine show June 28-29, 2025 Orange Municipal Airport 31 C St, Orange, MA 01364-2047, United States
- *July 4th- North Middleboro Parade. Meet at 9am 38 Plymouth St Parade kicks off at 10am. Alternate option: Parking at Steve Dors house on Plymouth st if interested. (please let Steve know if this is your plan)
- *Aug 3rd Billings Farm Antique Tractor Day 69 Old River Rd Woodstock, VT 05091 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. This is a nice event and many NEATTA members attended last year. Ph #802-457-2355. Pre-registration is required.
- August 13-16. 77th annual Rough and Tumble Threshermens reunion. Kinzer, PA. The largest east coast gas and engine show and the 2nd oldest in the country!
- August 23 Little Compton, RI is celebrating its 350th anniversary. Events will be happening throughout 2025. Little Compton Agricultural Conservancy Trust is sponsoring "Farmers Day" Antique Tractor and Farm Equipment show on August 23, 2025 from 11am - 5pm 59 South of Commons Road, Little Compton, RI. The event is free and open to the public including free food and drinks while supplies last. We would want all exhibits set up between 10:00am and 10:30am to be ready for any early spectator arrivals. Contact Cheryl Cady at or via cell phone at (401)862-8658 for more info or check out
- *August 24th (Sunday) Marshfield Fair! Route 3A, Marshfield, MA. Enter at Gate S just past the main gate, follow to the infield for parking. Set up in front of the Grandstand by 11 AM. The Fair runs from the 15th-24th and NEATTA shows on the last day of the fair.
- *September 13th Tractor & Truck Show at Redway Plain, Rehoboth, MA Featuring NEATTA and sponsored by the Rehoboth Historical Commission. Rain date September 14th Contact Bev and Gerry Baker for more info.
- *September 20th (Saturday) – EDGE & TA Youth Driver Safety Certificate Testing- 10 am at Silverbrook Farm Address: 934 Main St, Acushnet, MA 02743 . Attendees ages 12-16 should bring your own tractor for this drivers ed "driver's license type" test. This is necessary for youth ages 12-16 to operate equipment at NEATTA and other national Edge-TA events. Please RSVP by Sept 13th, 2025 by contacting Bob Phillips so that we may have a list of participants. If the above date is inconvenient, please contact Bob Phillips to make further arrangements. Contact Bob Phillips with any questions @ 508-245-9661 or More info on the EDGETA Youth Driver Safety Program can be found here:
- Sept 27th Franklin Farm Harvest and Tractor Show: Tractors, Regional Music, Food Trucks, Scenic Hayrides, Historic Barn Tours, Pony Rides, Audubon Raptors, Makers & Doer Vendors, Educational Activities, Games & More
- *Sept 28th Daniels Farm Blackstone 11am-3pm The Daniels Farmstead, 286 Mendon St, Blackstone, MA 01504, USA
- October 4-5 Hudson Valley Old Time Days. 8am-4pm both days 390 Fingar Hudson NY 12534 Antique Tractors, engines, trucks, cars, Tractor Pulls (including garden tractor pulls), steam engines displays, flea market and more. For more info:
- ??? TBD October 4th 9-4 Walter A Wood Tractor Show 24 Main St., Hoosick Falls, NY
- October 5th (Sunday) -(raindate Oct 18th) 3rd Annual Fall Festival & Arthur Conway Memorial Car Show The Angers Conway family is celebrating 105 years of farming in Lakeville! There will be live music, pony rides, hayrides, face-painting, kids crafts and activities, great food and drinks, arts and crafts vendors, an Antique Car Show, a 50/50 Raffle, and more!
- October 12th (Sunday) East Charlotte Tractor Parade 3278 Spear Street, Charlotte, VT 05445 9am assembly, 11 am start.
- October 18-19th 45th Annual Waters Farm Days. Antique Tractors, Antique cars, Tractor Pulls, 4H displays, vendors, crafts, Blacksmith demonstrations and more. Tractor Pull (all brands) Saturday only 53 Waters Rd W Sutton MA.